Pandora's Paraphilias Recap : Part 1

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Roots: Para (Beside) - Philia (Friendship/Love)

Definition: Paraphilias, otherwise known as an atypical or abnormal sexual attractions, place the object of an individual’s sexual fixation on something other than the physical act of intercourse. In other words, a person influenced by a paraphilia finds their optimal sexual satisfaction in actions, objects, or practices separate from or completely independent of sex. Until recently, these alternate sexual fixations were classified by psychologists as a type of mental illness; paraphilic disorders. Now, however, paraphilias as a whole are considered healthy and natural so long as their influence does not affect the individual’s life negatively. Generally, the causes of paraphilia in a person are unclear, but it is acknowledged they begin to manifest early in one’s life. While in development, children or young adults that face atypical sexual experiences during periods of arousal, such as a certain article of clothing being present the first time a person engages in intercourse, will sometimes place said abnormal entity at the core of their sexual fixation, becoming aroused when in close proximity to it. While only around 500 paraphilias are officially recognized as legitimate, the world of sexual diversity is just that, diverse. There are unlimited possibilities when it comes to sex and what arouses us, meaning the number of paraphilias, as well as what they could mean to a certain individual as opposed to another, are simply limitless. For whatever reason, that which is integral to our sexual development remains a large part of who we are sexually in adulthood, sometimes resulting in paraphilia.

Paraphilia Of The Day: Autovampirism/Vampirism

Roots: Auto (Self) - Vampir (Vampire) - Ism (Relates to/classifies the noun)

Definition: It’s October, and as Halloween draws near, images of monsters, ghouls, and ghosts are most certainly on everyones’ minds. When discussing paraphilias, it is important to acknowledge the effects pop culture and mainstream media may have on our sexual fixations, specifically when we’re exposed to it as children. Coincidentally, one of the most common paraphilias centered on mainstream media, as well as the focus for this week’s post, is the spooky, pale skinned, dark cloaked, bloodsucking vampire! Vampirism is defined as the sexual desire to consume the blood of others, or, in some cases, yourself (autovampirism). Because the vampire archetype is so popular, its influence has spread to include many individuals in what is known as vamp culture. Those who participate in vamp culture, a subsection of goth culture, may identify as vampires themselves, and live as if they are indeed the mythological bloodsucker. While a majority of gothic individuals aren’t vampiric per say, most with the paraphilia find a home in the vamp community. Additionally, while Vampirism and autovampirism share a similar etymology, the two paraphilias actually focus on opposite ends of the BDSM spectrum. Vampirism is inherently sadistic, and grants the user pleasure when ingesting the blood of and potentially harming a consenting partner. Autovampirism, the consumption of one’s own blood, is inherently masochistic, and inevitably includes dealing a degree of injury to your own body. So, as you don your Halloween costume this year, know that, while perfectly harmless, you may just encounter a real-life vampire.

Paraphilia Of The Day: Partialism

Roots: Partial (Biased/Particular) - Ism (Relates to/classifies the noun)

Definition: Partialism is, by far, the most common paraphilia to manifest itself in adults. Essentially, a partialist individual places the core of their sexual interest on a specific body part independent of one’s genitals. As our genitalia are central to reproduction, a primal instinct present in most humans, attraction to them is not deemed atypical. The most prominent example of partialism, also being the most common paraphilia in general, is podophilia, known in more mainstream terms as a foot fetish. While a classic internet joke, podophilia is actually quite common amongst sexually active adults, and many more people entertain this specific type of sexual fixation than you may realize. The human body is always a factor in physical intimacy, so it’s no wonder many find their abnormal sexual desires centered on specific body parts which heavily influenced their development. Because paraphilias are limitless in what they can encompass, literally any part of your body could serve as another person’s sexual fixation, and, seeing as it’s so common, you may be just a bit partialist yourself.

Paraphilia Of The Day: Asphyxiophilia/Autoerotic Asphyxiation

Roots: Asphyxia (Stoppage of pulse) - Philia (Friendship/Love), Auto (Self) - Erotic (Sexual Love)

Definition: To those who frequent the internet servers of Reddit, Tik Tok, Snapchat, etc., the term “choking” is most likely a familiar one. What may strike as unfamiliar, though, is the actual science/terminology behind this trendy and fairly common paraphilia. Asphyxiophilia, otherwise known as the intentional act of limiting one’s oxygen intake for sexual purposes, is known more widely as breath control play (BC). A subsection of edgeplay, one of the more dangerous and taboo branches of BDSM as a whole, BC play includes any form of breath restriction in the bedroom. While those who discuss “choking” more openly online are referring to the physical act of choking someone, those who are more experienced often seek out the same gratification through various machines or objects like rope. At its core, asphyxiophilia is yet another manifestation of the sex-based power dynamics most BDSM practioners find so appealing, that between a dominant and a submissive partner. The exception to this, though, is autoerotic asphyxiation; the act of self-imposed strangulation in pursuit of sexual satisfaction. While popular amongst teens, it should be remembered that breath play, along with edge play in general, encompasses paraphilias which cause the most accidental deaths. So, while it may be exciting to be a bit rougher with your partners, always ensure your safety comes first.

Paraphilia Of The Day: Objectophilia/Mechanophilia

Roots: Objecto (Tangible thing) - Philia (Friendship/Love), Mechano (Machine/Mechanical)

Definition: While abnormal sexual attractions exist commonly in varying degrees amongst adults, many fail to realize that some individuals find their optimal sexual satisfaction in non-living entities. While “non-living” refers to a variety of paraphilias, what we’ll be discussing today is objectophilia, sexual or romantic attraction to tangible yet inanimate objects. Most objectophilic individuals describe a complete indifference in regards to their attraction to other people, and focus the entirety of their affections towards non-living things such as chairs, pencils, etc. Also common amongst such individuals is the belief in animism, otherwise known as the belief that objects possess souls, therefore being capable of experiencing emotion and communicating/interacting with their surroundings. A person with objectophilia can therefore desire an object sexually, but also possesses the capacity to fall in love or maintain a long term relationship with it. A closely related sexual fixation to objectophilia, mechanophilia, is fairly similar, but instead places an individual’s attraction on mechanical objects such as cars, motorcycles, and boats. Many may remember a meme popularized in the early 2010s’ of a man kissing his car, an image which served as part of the TV special My Car Is My Lover (2008). The man in question was a mechanophiliac, and has since been ridiculed for agreeing to record his life in regards to his fixation. While paraphilias are no longer considered a mental illness, some sexual acts in relation to them are still illegal in many countries, mechanophilia being the best example. In said countries, those that are caught harboring a sexual attraction to machines may be registered as sex-offenders. Because of this generalized stigma, both from a legal standpoint and from its representation in pop-culture, the sexual attraction to inanimate objects has become an aspect of one’s person which may be mocked. While perhaps uncommon, it is important to remember that all paraphilias are a natural part of human attraction, and society as a whole should take a more aware and educated approach when discussing such matters in general.

Paraphilia Of The Day: Dacryphilia

Roots: Dacryo (Tears) - Philia (Friendship/Love)

Definition: Dacryphilia is defined as the sexual attraction to tears or to the act of crying. However, dacryphilia is an example of a paraphilia that extends beyond the bedroom and into day to day life. A huge aspect of what makes paraphilias attractive in general is the overarching themes or dynamics they encompass. Crying, for example, is an extremely intimate act, usually performed in private or in the presence of only trusted individuals. Therefore, those with dacryphilia may then be enchanted by the intimacy of crying itself, rather than experiencing pure sexual satisfaction at the sight of it. When considering dacryphilia in a dominant context, one may be aroused by inducing tears in others, or they may simply find the act of comforting a crying individual as highly intimate and romantic, more so than the average person. Inversely, a submissive individual may find arousal in being made to cry or to embarrass themselves by crying in front of others or in public. Whichever way one prefers it, crying is an extremely vulnerable thing to do, and a dacryphiliac may appreciate it a bit more than you’d expect.


Pandora's Paraphilias Recap : Part 2


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